In this section, we will create a "/cart" page that displays a table of the items in the cart. We will use the UserSessionProvider
created in the last section to pull the cart data using useSession()
. The table will have four columns: Product
, Price
, Quantity
, and Total
. We will also create a cart totals table that displays the shipping totals, applied coupons, and the final total. Let's start by implementing the changes to the useCartMutations
hook also created in the previous section.
- Basic knowledge of React and React Router.
- Familiarity with GraphQL and WPGraphQL.
- A setup WPGraphQL/WooGraphQL backend.
- Read previous sections on Routing By URI, Using Product Data, and Handling User Session and Using Cart Mutations.
First, create a graphql.js
file to store all the GraphQL queries and mutations:
import { gql } from '@apollo/client'; export const CustomerContent = gql` fragment CustomerContent on Customer { id sessionToken shipping { postcode state city country } } `; export const ProductContentSlice = gql` fragment ProductContentSlice on Product { id databaseId name slug type image { id sourceUrl(size: WOOCOMMERCE_THUMBNAIL) altText } ... on SimpleProduct { price regularPrice soldIndividually } ... on VariableProduct { price regularPrice soldIndividually } } `; export const ProductVariationContentSlice = gql` fragment ProductVariationContentSlice on ProductVariation { id databaseId name slug image { id sourceUrl(size: WOOCOMMERCE_THUMBNAIL) altText } price regularPrice } `; export const ProductContentFull = gql` fragment ProductContentFull on Product { id databaseId slug name type description shortDescription(format: RAW) image { id sourceUrl altText } galleryImages { nodes { id sourceUrl(size: WOOCOMMERCE_THUMBNAIL) altText } } productTags(first: 20) { nodes { id slug name } } attributes { nodes { id attributeId ... on LocalProductAttribute { name options variation } ... on GlobalProductAttribute { name options variation } } } ... on SimpleProduct { onSale stockStatus price rawPrice: price(format: RAW) regularPrice salePrice stockStatus stockQuantity soldIndividually } ... on VariableProduct { onSale price rawPrice: price(format: RAW) regularPrice salePrice stockStatus stockQuantity soldIndividually variations(first: 50) { nodes { id databaseId name price rawPrice: price(format: RAW) regularPrice salePrice onSale attributes { nodes { name label value } } } } } } `; export const VariationContent = gql` fragment VariationContent on ProductVariation { id name slug price regularPrice salePrice stockStatus stockQuantity onSale image { id sourceUrl altText } } `; export const CartItemContent = gql` fragment CartItemContent on CartItem { key product { node { ...ProductContentSlice } } variation { node { ...ProductVariationContentSlice } } quantity total subtotal subtotalTax extraData { key value } } `; export const CartContent = gql` fragment CartContent on Cart { contents(first: 100) { itemCount nodes { ...CartItemContent } } appliedCoupons { code discountAmount discountTax } needsShippingAddress availableShippingMethods { packageDetails supportsShippingCalculator rates { id instanceId methodId label cost } } subtotal subtotalTax shippingTax shippingTotal total totalTax feeTax feeTotal discountTax discountTotal } `; export const GetProduct = gql` query GetProduct($id: ID!, $idType: ProductIdTypeEnum) { product(id: $id, idType: $idType) { ...ProductContentFull } } `; export const GetProductVariation = gql` query GetProductVariation($id: ID!) { productVariation(id: $id, idType: DATABASE_ID) { ...VariationContent } } `; export const GetCart = gql` query GetCart($customerId: Int) { cart { ...CartContent } customer(customerId: $customerId) { ...CustomerContent } } `; export const AddToCart = gql` mutation AddToCart($productId: Int!, $variationId: Int, $quantity: Int, $extraData: String) { addToCart( input: {productId: $productId, variationId: $variationId, quantity: $quantity, extraData: $extraData} ) { cart { ...CartContent } cartItem { ...CartItemContent } } } `; export const UpdateCartItemQuantities = gql` mutation UpdateCartItemQuantities($items: [CartItemQuantityInput]) { updateItemQuantities(input: {items: $items}) { cart { ...CartContent } items { ...CartItemContent } } } `; export const RemoveItemsFromCart = gql` mutation RemoveItemsFromCart($keys: [ID], $all: Boolean) { removeItemsFromCart(input: {keys: $keys, all: $all}) { cart { ...CartContent } cartItems { ...CartItemContent } } } `; export const ApplyCouponToCart = gql` mutation ApplyCouponToCart($code: String!) { applyCoupon(input: {code: $code}) { cart { ...CartContent } } } `; export const RemoveCouponFromCart = gql` mutation RemoveCouponFromCart($code: String!) { removeCoupons(input: {codes: [$code]}) { cart { ...CartContent } } } `; export const RemoveCouponsFromCart = gql` mutation RemoveCouponsFromCart($codes: [String!]) { removeCoupons(input: {codes: $codes}) { cart { ...CartContent } } } `; export const SetShippingLocale = gql` mutation SetShippingLocale($zip: String!, $state: String, $city: String, $country: CountriesEnum) { updateCustomer( input: {shipping: {postcode: $zip, country: $country, state: $state, city: $city}} ) { customer { ...CustomerContent } } } `; export const SetShippingMethod = gql` mutation SetShippingMethod($shippingMethod: String!) { updateShippingMethod(input: {shippingMethods: [$shippingMethod]}) { cart { ...CartContent } } } `;
Update the useCartMutations
hook as follows:
import { useMutation } from '@apollo/client'; import { useSession } from "./SessionProvider"; import { AddToCart, UpdateCartItemQuantities, RemoveItemsFromCart, ApplyCouponToCart, RemoveCouponFromCart, SetShippingLocale, SetShippingMethod, } from './graphql'; const useCartMutations = ( productId, variationId, extraData, ) => { // ... rest of useCartMutations code. const removeCartItemHelper = () => { const item = findInCart(productId, variationId, extraData); if (!item) { throw new Error('Failed to find item in cart.'); } removeCartItem({ variables: { keys: [item.key] } }); }; const updateQuantityHelper = (quantity) => { const item = findInCart(productId, variationId, extraData); if (!item) { throw new Error('Failed to find item in cart.'); } updateQuantity({ variables: { items: [{ key: item.key, quantity }] } }); }; const addToCartHelper = (pId, quantity, vId, e) => { addToCart({ variables: { productId: pId, quantity, variationId: vId, extraData: e, }, }); }; const store = { adding, updating, removing, quantityFound, mutate, addToCart: addToCartHelper, removeCartItem: removeCartItemHelper, updateQuantity: updateQuantityHelper, }; return store; };
This new code adds more helper functions like removeCartItemHelper
, updateQuantityHelper
, addToCartHelper
, and updates the store to include these functions. With these helpers, we get access to the add
, update
, and remove
cart mutations without the need to provide product details to the hook.
And now let's implement the useOtherCartMutations
export const useOtherCartMutations = () => { const { setCart, setCustomer, } = useSession(); const [applyCouponToCart, { loading: applyingCoupon }] = useMutation({ mutation: ApplyCouponToCart, onCompleted({ applyCoupon: data }) { if (data?.cart) { setCart(data.cart as Cart); } }, }); const [removeCouponFromCart, { loading: removingCoupon }] = useMutation({ mutation: RemoveCouponFromCart, onCompleted({ removeCoupons: data }) { if (data?.cart) { setCart(data.cart as Cart); } }, }); const [setShippingLocale, { loading: savingShippingLocale }] = useMutation({ mutation: SetShippingLocale, onCompleted({ updateCustomer: data }) { if (data?.customer) { setCustomer(data.customer); } }, }); const [setShippingMethod, { loading: savingShippingMethod }] = useMutation({ mutation: SetShippingMethod, onCompleted({ updateShippingMethod: data }) { if (data?.cart) { setCart(data.cart as Cart); } }, }); const applyCouponHelper = (code) => applyCouponToCart({ variables: { code } }); const removeCouponHelper = (code) => removeCouponFromCart({ variables: { code } }); const setShippingLocaleHelper = (input) => setShippingLocale({ variables: { ...input, }, }); const setShippingMethodHelper = (shippingMethod) => setShippingMethod({ variables: { shippingMethod }, }); const store = { applyingCoupon, removingCoupon, savingShippingInfo: savingShippingLocale || savingShippingMethod, applyCoupon: applyCouponHelper, removeCoupon: removeCouponHelper, setShippingLocale: setShippingLocaleHelper, setShippingMethod: setShippingMethodHelper, }; return store; };
This hook provides the helper callbacks for the other cart mutations. These mutations are the ones that effect the cart and not the cart items, at least not directly, like applyCoupon
After making the necessary updates to useCartMutations
and useOtherCartMutations
, we can now create the /cart
page. First, import the necessary components and hooks.
import React, { useState } from 'react'; import { useSession } from './SessionProvider'; import { useCartMutations, useOtherCartMutations } from './useCartMutations'; import { ShippingInfo } from './ShippingInfo'; import { ApplyCouponForm } from './ApplyCouponForm';
You should see two imports that don't exist yet. Let's create them. ShippingInfo.js
and ApplyCouponForm.js
are components that will be used in the CartPage
component to handle two particular actions:
First the ShippingLocaleForm.js
import React, { useState } from 'react'; import { useOtherCartMutations } from './useOtherCartMutations'; const ShippingInfo = () => { const [country, setCountry] = useState(''); const [postalCode, setPostalCode] = useState(''); const { cart } = useSession(); const { updateShippingLocale, setShippingMethod, savingShippingInfo, savingShippingMethod, } = useOtherCartMutations(); const handleSubmit = async (e) => { e.preventDefault(); await updateShippingLocale({ country, postalCode }); }; const availableShippingRates = (cart?.availableShippingMethods || []) .reduce( (rates, nextPackage) => { rates.push(...(nextPackage?.rates || [])); return rates; }, [], ); if (cart.needsShipping && !cart.needsShippingAddress) { return ( <div> <h4>Shipping</h4> { => ( const { cost, id, label } = shippingRate; <div key={id}> <input type="radio" name="shipping-methods" value={id} disabled={savingShippingMethod} onChange={(event) => setShippingMethod(} /> <label> {`${label}: `} <strong>{`$${cost}`}</strong> </label> </div> ))} <p>Shipping Tax: {cart.shippingTax}</p> <p>Shipping Total: {cart.shippingTotal}</p> </div> ); } if (cart.needsShipping) { return ( <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}> <h4>Shipping Locale</h4> <div> <label htmlFor="country">Country:</label> <input type="text" id="country" name="country" value={country} onChange={(e) => setCountry(} /> </div> <div> <label htmlFor="postalCode">Postal Code:</label> <input type="text" id="postalCode" name="postalCode" value={postalCode} onChange={(e) => setPostalCode(} /> </div> <button disabled={savingShippingInfo} type="submit">Update Shipping Locale</button> </form> ); } return null; }; export default ShippingInfo;
This component works by confirming the session shipping requirements and status before returning the proper output. If shipping is needed and a shipping address is set for the customer, the shipping rates are displayed for selection. If shipping is needed and no address is set, then a shipping address form is displayed to set the customer shipping address. If no shipping is needed, null
is returned.
Simple enough, now the ApplyCoupon.js
import React, { useState } from 'react'; import { useOtherCartMutations } from './useOtherCartMutations'; const ApplyCoupon = () => { const [code, setCode] = useState(''); const { applyCoupon, removeCoupon } = useOtherCartMutations(); const handleSubmit = async (e) => { e.preventDefault(); applyCoupon(code); }; return ( <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}> <label> Apply Coupon: <input type="text" value={code} onChange={(e) => setCode(} /> </label> <button type="submit">Apply</button> </form> ); }; export default ApplyCouponForm;
Here we're providing a form to apply a coupon code, which calls the applyCoupon
function from the useOtherCartMutations
Now, onto the CartPage
function CartPage () { const { cart } = useSession(); const { applyCoupon } = useOtherCartMutations(); if (!cart) { return <div>Loading...</div>; } const cartItems = cart.contents.nodes; return ( <div> <h2>Cart</h2> <table> <thead> <tr> <th>Product</th> <th>Price</th> <th>Quantity</th> <th>Total</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> { => { const { key, product, variation, quantity, subtotal, total } = item; const { node: productNode } = product; const { node: variationNode } = variation || {}; const { id: productId, image, name, } = productNode; const { id: variationId } = variationNode || {}; const cartMutations = useCartMutations(productId, variationId); return ( <tr key={key}> <td> <button onClick={() => cartMutations.removeCartItem()}>Remove</button> <img src={image.sourceUrl} alt={image.altText} /> <span>{name}</span> </td> <td>{subtotal}</td> <td> <input type="number" value={quantity} onChange={(e) => cartMutations.updateQuantity(parseInt(} /> </td> <td>{total}</td> </tr> ); })} </tbody> <tfoot> <tr> <td colSpan={4}> <ApplyCoupon /> </td> </tr> </tfoot> </table> <div> <h3>Cart Totals</h3> <ShippingInfo /> <p>Subtotal: {cart.subtotal}</p> {{ code, discountAmount }) => ( <div key={code}> <p> Coupon: {code} - Discount: {discountAmount} <span onClick={() => removeCoupon(code)} style={{ fontWeight: 'bold', color: 'red' }}> X </span> </p> </div> ))} <p>Total: {}</p> </div> </div> ); }; export default CartPage;
In the CartPage
component, we first fetch the cart
from the SessionProvider
. If the cart is not available, we show a loading message. Once the cart is loaded, we display the cart items in a table format, allowing users to remove items or update the quantity.
Lastly, we display the cart's subtotal, applied coupons with their respective discounts and removal buttons, and follow that up with the cart's total.
Now, you can use the CartPage
component in your app, allowing users to interact with the cart, apply coupons, and manage shipping options.
With this you're essentially ready to develop a complete application. In the next couple sections we'll be exploring taking the user through checkout.