Schema Documentation



An edge in a connection

Field NameDescription
allowedVariations - String Curated list of variations
bundledItemId - Int The bundled item ID
cartPriceVisibility - String Whether the bundle item price is visible on the cart page
cartVisibility - String Whether the bundle item is visible on the cart page
cursor - String A cursor for use in pagination
defaultVariationAttributes - VariationAttribute The default variation attributes.
description - String The overwritten description.
discount - String Bundle item discount if priced individually.
hideThumbnail - Boolean Whether to hide the thumbnail.
menuOrder - Int Bundled item menu order
node - Product! The item at the end of the edge
optional - Boolean Whether the bundled item is optional.
orderPriceVisibility - String Whether the bundle item price is visible on the order page
orderVisibility - String Whether the bundle item is visible on the order page
overrideDefaultVariationAttributes - Boolean Whether the bundled item overrides the default attributes.
overrideDescription - Boolean Whether to override the bundled item description.
overrideTitle - Boolean Whether to override the bundled item title.
overrideVariations - Boolean Whether the bundle item overrides the variations.
pricedIndividually - Boolean Whether the price of the bundled item is added to the price of the parent bundle product.
quantityMax - Int The quantity maximum
quantityMin - Int The quantity minimum
shippedIndividually - Boolean Whether the bundled item is shipped individually.
singleProductPriceVisibility - String Whether the bundle item price is visible on the product page
singleProductVisibility - String Whether the bundle item is visible on the product page
title - String The overwritten title.