Schema Documentation



Attributes of the %s Block Type

Field NameDescription
align - String The "align" field on the "CoreGallery" block
allowResize - Boolean The "allowResize" field on the "CoreGallery" block
anchor - String The anchor field for the block.
backgroundColor - String The "backgroundColor" field on the "CoreGallery" block
caption - String The "caption" field on the "CoreGallery" block
className - String The "className" field on the "CoreGallery" block
columns - Float The "columns" field on the "CoreGallery" block
fixedHeight - Boolean The "fixedHeight" field on the "CoreGallery" block
gradient - String The "gradient" field on the "CoreGallery" block
ids - BlockAttributesObject The "ids" field on the "CoreGallery" block
imageCrop - Boolean The "imageCrop" field on the "CoreGallery" block
images - BlockAttributesObject The "images" field on the "CoreGallery" block
layout - BlockAttributesObject The "layout" field on the "CoreGallery" block
linkTarget - String The "linkTarget" field on the "CoreGallery" block
linkTo - String The "linkTo" field on the "CoreGallery" block
lock - BlockAttributesObject The "lock" field on the "CoreGallery" block
shortCodeTransforms - BlockAttributesObject The "shortCodeTransforms" field on the "CoreGallery" block
sizeSlug - String The "sizeSlug" field on the "CoreGallery" block
style - BlockAttributesObject The "style" field on the "CoreGallery" block