Schema Documentation



Arguments used to filter the collection results

Input FieldDescription
attributes - [ProductAttributeFilterInput] Limit result set to products with a specific attribute. Use the taxonomy name/attribute slug.
categoryIdIn - [Int] Limit result set to products assigned to a specific group of category IDs.
categoryIn - [String] Limit result set to products assigned to a group of specific categories by name.
exclude - [Int] Ensure result set excludes specific IDs.
featured - Boolean Limit result set to featured products.
include - [Int] Limit result set to specific ids.
maxPrice - Float Limit result set to products based on a maximum price.
minPrice - Float Limit result set to products based on a minimum price.
onSale - Boolean Limit result set to products on sale.
parentIn - [Int] Specify objects whose parent is in an array.
parentNotIn - [Int] Specify objects whose parent is not in an array.
rating - [Int] Limit result set to products with a specific average rating. Must be between 1 and 5
search - String Limit result set to products based on a keyword search.
sku - String Limit result set to products with specific SKU(s). Use commas to separate.
slugIn - [String] Limit result set to products with specific slugs.
stockStatus - [StockStatusEnum] Limit result set to products in stock or out of stock.
tagIdIn - [Int] Limit result set to products assigned to a specific group of tag IDs.
tagIn - [String] Limit result set to products assigned to a specific group of tags by name.
typeIn - [ProductTypesEnum] Limit result set to products assigned to a group of specific types.
visibility - CatalogVisibilityEnum Limit result set to products with a specific visibility level.