Schema Documentation
Input for the updateSettings mutation.
Input Field | Description |
clientMutationId - String | This is an ID that can be passed to a mutation by the client to track the progress of mutations and catch possible duplicate mutation submissions. |
discussionSettingsDefaultCommentStatus - String | Allow people to submit comments on new posts. |
discussionSettingsDefaultPingStatus - String | Allow link notifications from other blogs (pingbacks and trackbacks) on new articles. |
generalSettingsDateFormat - String | A date format for all date strings. |
generalSettingsDescription - String | Site tagline. |
generalSettingsLanguage - String | WordPress locale code. |
generalSettingsStartOfWeek - Int | A day number of the week that the week should start on. |
generalSettingsTimeFormat - String | A time format for all time strings. |
generalSettingsTimezone - String | A city in the same timezone as you. |
generalSettingsTitle - String | Site title. |
optmlSettingsSettingsOptmlCsat - String | |
readingSettingsPageForPosts - Int | The ID of the page that should display the latest posts |
readingSettingsPageOnFront - Int | The ID of the page that should be displayed on the front page |
readingSettingsPostsPerPage - Int | Blog pages show at most. |
readingSettingsShowOnFront - String | What to show on the front page |
writingSettingsDefaultCategory - Int | Default post category. |
writingSettingsDefaultPostFormat - String | Default post format. |
writingSettingsUseSmilies - Boolean | Convert emoticons like :-) and :-P to graphics on display. |