Schema Documentation



A order object

Field NameDescription
canRenewEarly - Boolean If a user can renew an active subscription early.
billing - CustomerAddress Order billing properties
billingInterval - String Subscription billing interval.
billingPeriod - String Subscription billing length.
cancelledDate - String The subscription's cancelled date
cartHash - String Cart hash
cartTax - String Cart tax amount
format - PricingFieldFormatEnum

Format of the price

commentCount - Int The number of comments. Even though WPGraphQL denotes this field as an integer, in WordPress this field should be saved as a numeric string for compatibility.
commentStatus - String Whether the comments are open or closed for this particular post.
couponLines - SubscriptionToCouponLineConnection Connection between the Subscription type and the CouponLine type
first - Int

The number of items to return after the referenced "after" cursor

last - Int

The number of items to return before the referenced "before" cursor

after - String

Cursor used along with the "first" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

before - String

Cursor used along with the "last" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

createdVia - String Where the subscription was created.
currency - String Currency the subscription was created with, in ISO format
customer - Customer Order customer
customerIpAddress - String Customer IP Address
customerNote - String Customer note
customerUserAgent - String Customer User Agent
databaseId - Int The ID of the order in the database
date - String Date order was created
dateCompleted - String Date order was completed
datePaid - String Date order was paid
discountTax - String Discount tax amount
format - PricingFieldFormatEnum

Format of the price

discountTotal - String Discount total amount
format - PricingFieldFormatEnum

Format of the price

downloadableItems - SubscriptionToDownloadableItemConnection Connection between the Subscription type and the DownloadableItem type
first - Int

The number of items to return after the referenced "after" cursor

last - Int

The number of items to return before the referenced "before" cursor

after - String

Cursor used along with the "first" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

before - String

Cursor used along with the "last" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

where - SubscriptionToDownloadableItemConnectionWhereArgs

Arguments for filtering the connection

endDate - String The subscription's end date.
feeLines - SubscriptionToFeeLineConnection Connection between the Subscription type and the FeeLine type
first - Int

The number of items to return after the referenced "after" cursor

last - Int

The number of items to return before the referenced "before" cursor

after - String

Cursor used along with the "first" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

before - String

Cursor used along with the "last" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

hasBillingAddress - Boolean Order has a billing address?
hasDownloadableItem - Boolean If order contains a downloadable product
hasShippingAddress - Boolean Order has a shipping address?
id - ID! The globally unique identifier for the order
isDownloadPermitted - Boolean Is product download is permitted
lastPaymentDate - String The subscription's last payment date
lineItems - SubscriptionToLineItemsConnection Connection between the Subscription type and the LineItem type
first - Int

The number of items to return after the referenced "after" cursor

last - Int

The number of items to return before the referenced "before" cursor

after - String

Cursor used along with the "first" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

before - String

Cursor used along with the "last" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

metaData - [MetaData] Object meta data
key - String

Retrieve meta by key

keysIn - [String]

Retrieve multiple metas by key

multiple - Boolean

Retrieve meta with matching keys

modified - String Date order was last updated
needsPayment - Boolean If order needs payment
needsProcessing - Boolean If order needs processing before it can be completed
needsShippingAddress - Boolean If order needs shipping address
nextPaymentDate - String The subscription's next payment date
orderKey - String Order key
orderNumber - String Order number
orderVersion - String Order version
parent - Order Parent order
paymentMethod - String Payment method
paymentMethodTitle - String Payment method title
pricesIncludeTax - Boolean Prices include taxes?
removedLineItems - SubscriptionToLineItemConnection Connection between the Subscription type and the LineItem type
first - Int

The number of items to return after the referenced "after" cursor

last - Int

The number of items to return before the referenced "before" cursor

after - String

Cursor used along with the "first" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

before - String

Cursor used along with the "last" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

requiresManualRenewal - Boolean Does subscription require the subscriber to renew the subscription manually?
resubscribedFrom - Subscription The subscription before this one.
resubscribedSubscription - Subscription The resubscription after this subscription.
shipping - CustomerAddress Order shipping properties
shippingAddressMapUrl - String Order customer
shippingLines - SubscriptionToShippingLineConnection Connection between the Subscription type and the ShippingLine type
first - Int

The number of items to return after the referenced "after" cursor

last - Int

The number of items to return before the referenced "before" cursor

after - String

Cursor used along with the "first" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

before - String

Cursor used along with the "last" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

shippingTax - String Shipping tax amount
format - PricingFieldFormatEnum

Format of the price

shippingTotal - String Shipping total amount
format - PricingFieldFormatEnum

Format of the price

startDate - String The subscription's start date
status - SubscriptionStatusesEnum Order status
subtotal - String Order subtotal
format - PricingFieldFormatEnum

Format of the price

taxLines - SubscriptionToTaxLineConnection Connection between the Subscription type and the TaxLine type
first - Int

The number of items to return after the referenced "after" cursor

last - Int

The number of items to return before the referenced "before" cursor

after - String

Cursor used along with the "first" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

before - String

Cursor used along with the "last" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

total - String Order grand total
format - PricingFieldFormatEnum

Format of the price

totalTax - String Order taxes
format - PricingFieldFormatEnum

Format of the price

transactionId - String Transaction ID
trialDate - String The subscription's trial date