Schema Documentation



A group product object

Field NameDescription
addToCartDescription - String Product's add to cart button text description
addToCartText - String Product's add to cart button text description
addons - [ProductAddonField] Product addons connected to this product.
allPaColor - ProductToPaColorConnection Connection between the Product type and the paColor type
first - Int

The number of items to return after the referenced "after" cursor

last - Int

The number of items to return before the referenced "before" cursor

after - String

Cursor used along with the "first" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

before - String

Cursor used along with the "last" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

where - ProductToPaColorConnectionWhereArgs

Arguments for filtering the connection

allPaSize - ProductToPaSizeConnection Connection between the Product type and the paSize type
first - Int

The number of items to return after the referenced "after" cursor

last - Int

The number of items to return before the referenced "before" cursor

after - String

Cursor used along with the "first" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

before - String

Cursor used along with the "last" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

where - ProductToPaSizeConnectionWhereArgs

Arguments for filtering the connection

attributes - ProductToProductAttributeConnection Connection between the Product type and the ProductAttribute type
first - Int

The number of items to return after the referenced "after" cursor

last - Int

The number of items to return before the referenced "before" cursor

after - String

Cursor used along with the "first" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

before - String

Cursor used along with the "last" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

where - ProductToProductAttributeConnectionWhereArgs

Arguments for filtering the connection

averageRating - Float Product average count
catalogVisibility - CatalogVisibilityEnum Catalog visibility
commentCount - Int The number of comments. Even though WPGraphQL denotes this field as an integer, in WordPress this field should be saved as a numeric string for compatibility.
commentStatus - String Whether the comments are open or closed for this particular post.
comments - ProductToCommentsConnection Connection between the Product type and the Comment type
first - Int

The number of items to return after the referenced "after" cursor

last - Int

The number of items to return before the referenced "before" cursor

after - String

Cursor used along with the "first" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

before - String

Cursor used along with the "last" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

where - ProductToCommentsConnectionWhereArgs

Arguments for filtering the connection

content - String The content of the post.
format - PostObjectFieldFormatEnum

Format of the field output

contentType - ContentNodeToContentTypeConnectionEdge Connection between the ContentNode type and the ContentType type
contentTypeName - String! The name of the Content Type the node belongs to
databaseId - Int! Product or variation ID
date - String Post publishing date.
dateGmt - String The publishing date set in GMT.
dateOnSaleFrom - String Date on sale from
dateOnSaleTo - String Date on sale to
defaultAttributes - ProductWithAttributesToVariationAttributeConnection Connection between the ProductWithAttributes type and the VariationAttribute type
first - Int

The number of items to return after the referenced "after" cursor

last - Int

The number of items to return before the referenced "before" cursor

after - String

Cursor used along with the "first" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

before - String

Cursor used along with the "last" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

description - String Product description
format - PostObjectFieldFormatEnum

Format of the field output

desiredSlug - String The desired slug of the post
editingLockedBy - ContentNodeToEditLockConnectionEdge If a user has edited the node within the past 15 seconds, this will return the user that last edited. Null if the edit lock doesn't exist or is greater than 15 seconds
editorBlocks - [ProductEditorBlock] List of product editor blocks
flat - Boolean
enclosure - String The RSS enclosure for the object
enqueuedScripts - ContentNodeToEnqueuedScriptConnection Connection between the ContentNode type and the EnqueuedScript type
first - Int

The number of items to return after the referenced "after" cursor

last - Int

The number of items to return before the referenced "before" cursor

after - String

Cursor used along with the "first" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

before - String

Cursor used along with the "last" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

enqueuedStylesheets - ContentNodeToEnqueuedStylesheetConnection Connection between the ContentNode type and the EnqueuedStylesheet type
first - Int

The number of items to return after the referenced "after" cursor

last - Int

The number of items to return before the referenced "before" cursor

after - String

Cursor used along with the "first" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

before - String

Cursor used along with the "last" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

excerpt - String The excerpt of the post.
format - PostObjectFieldFormatEnum

Format of the field output

featured - Boolean If the product is featured
featuredImage - NodeWithFeaturedImageToMediaItemConnectionEdge Connection between the NodeWithFeaturedImage type and the MediaItem type
featuredImageDatabaseId - Int The database identifier for the featured image node assigned to the content node
featuredImageId - ID Globally unique ID of the featured image assigned to the node
galleryImages - ProductToMediaItemConnection Connection between the Product type and the MediaItem type
first - Int

The number of items to return after the referenced "after" cursor

last - Int

The number of items to return before the referenced "before" cursor

after - String

Cursor used along with the "first" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

before - String

Cursor used along with the "last" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

where - ProductToMediaItemConnectionWhereArgs

Arguments for filtering the connection

globalAttributes - ProductToGlobalProductAttributeConnection Connection between the Product type and the GlobalProductAttribute type
first - Int

The number of items to return after the referenced "after" cursor

last - Int

The number of items to return before the referenced "before" cursor

after - String

Cursor used along with the "first" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

before - String

Cursor used along with the "last" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

guid - String The global unique identifier for this post. This currently matches the value stored in WP_Post->guid and the guid column in the "post_objects" database table.
id - ID! Product or variation global ID
image - MediaItem Main image
isContentNode - Boolean! Whether the node is a Content Node
isPreview - Boolean Whether the object is a node in the preview state
isRestricted - Boolean Whether the object is restricted from the current viewer
isTermNode - Boolean! Whether the node is a Term
lastEditedBy - ContentNodeToEditLastConnectionEdge The user that most recently edited the node
link - String The permalink of the post
localAttributes - ProductToLocalProductAttributeConnection Connection between the Product type and the LocalProductAttribute type
first - Int

The number of items to return after the referenced "after" cursor

last - Int

The number of items to return before the referenced "before" cursor

after - String

Cursor used along with the "first" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

before - String

Cursor used along with the "last" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

menuOrder - Int Menu order
metaData - [MetaData] Object meta data
key - String

Retrieve meta by key

keysIn - [String]

Retrieve multiple metas by key

multiple - Boolean

Retrieve meta with matching keys

modified - String The local modified time for a post. If a post was recently updated the modified field will change to match the corresponding time.
modifiedGmt - String The GMT modified time for a post. If a post was recently updated the modified field will change to match the corresponding time in GMT.
name - String Product name
onSale - Boolean Is product on sale?
preview - ProductToPreviewConnectionEdge Connection between the Product type and the Product type
where - ProductToPreviewConnectionWhereArgs

Arguments for filtering the connection

previewRevisionDatabaseId - Int The database id of the preview node
previewRevisionId - ID Whether the object is a node in the preview state
price - String Products' price range
format - PricingFieldFormatEnum

Format of the price

productCategories - ProductToProductCategoryConnection Connection between the Product type and the productCategory type
first - Int

The number of items to return after the referenced "after" cursor

last - Int

The number of items to return before the referenced "before" cursor

after - String

Cursor used along with the "first" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

before - String

Cursor used along with the "last" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

where - ProductToProductCategoryConnectionWhereArgs

Arguments for filtering the connection

productId - Int! The id field matches the WP_Post->ID field. Deprecated in favor of the databaseId field
productTags - ProductToProductTagConnection Connection between the Product type and the productTag type
first - Int

The number of items to return after the referenced "after" cursor

last - Int

The number of items to return before the referenced "before" cursor

after - String

Cursor used along with the "first" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

before - String

Cursor used along with the "last" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

where - ProductToProductTagConnectionWhereArgs

Arguments for filtering the connection

productTypes - ProductToProductTypeConnection Connection between the Product type and the productType type
first - Int

The number of items to return after the referenced "after" cursor

last - Int

The number of items to return before the referenced "before" cursor

after - String

Cursor used along with the "first" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

before - String

Cursor used along with the "last" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

where - ProductToProductTypeConnectionWhereArgs

Arguments for filtering the connection

products - GroupProductToProductUnionConnection Connection between the GroupProduct type and the ProductUnion type
first - Int

The number of items to return after the referenced "after" cursor

last - Int

The number of items to return before the referenced "before" cursor

after - String

Cursor used along with the "first" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

before - String

Cursor used along with the "last" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

where - GroupProductToProductUnionConnectionWhereArgs

Arguments for filtering the connection

purchasable - Boolean Can product be purchased?
purchaseNote - String Purchase note
regularPrice - String Product's regular price
format - PricingFieldFormatEnum

Format of the price

related - ProductToProductUnionConnection Connection between the Product type and the ProductUnion type
first - Int

The number of items to return after the referenced "after" cursor

last - Int

The number of items to return before the referenced "before" cursor

after - String

Cursor used along with the "first" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

before - String

Cursor used along with the "last" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

where - ProductToProductUnionConnectionWhereArgs

Arguments for filtering the connection

reviewCount - Int Product review count
reviews - ProductToCommentConnection Connection between the Product type and the Comment type
first - Int

The number of items to return after the referenced "after" cursor

last - Int

The number of items to return before the referenced "before" cursor

after - String

Cursor used along with the "first" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

before - String

Cursor used along with the "last" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

where - ProductToCommentConnectionWhereArgs

Arguments for filtering the connection

reviewsAllowed - Boolean If reviews are allowed
salePrice - String Product's sale price
format - PricingFieldFormatEnum

Format of the price

seo - PostTypeSEO The Yoast SEO data of the ContentNode
shippingClasses - ProductToShippingClassConnection Connection between the Product type and the shippingClass type
first - Int

The number of items to return after the referenced "after" cursor

last - Int

The number of items to return before the referenced "before" cursor

after - String

Cursor used along with the "first" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

before - String

Cursor used along with the "last" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

where - ProductToShippingClassConnectionWhereArgs

Arguments for filtering the connection

shortDescription - String Product short description
format - PostObjectFieldFormatEnum

Format of the field output

sku - String Product SKU
slug - String Product slug
status - String The current status of the object
taxClass - TaxClassEnum Tax class
taxStatus - TaxStatusEnum Tax status
template - ContentTemplate The template assigned to the node
terms - ProductToTermNodeConnection Connection between the Product type and the TermNode type
first - Int

The number of items to return after the referenced "after" cursor

last - Int

The number of items to return before the referenced "before" cursor

after - String

Cursor used along with the "first" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

before - String

Cursor used along with the "last" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

where - ProductToTermNodeConnectionWhereArgs

Arguments for filtering the connection

title - String The title of the post. This is currently just the raw title. An amendment to support rendered title needs to be made.
format - PostObjectFieldFormatEnum

Format of the field output

totalSales - Int Number total of sales
type - ProductTypesEnum Product type
upsell - ProductToUpsellConnection Connection between the Product type and the ProductUnion type
first - Int

The number of items to return after the referenced "after" cursor

last - Int

The number of items to return before the referenced "before" cursor

after - String

Cursor used along with the "first" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

before - String

Cursor used along with the "last" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

where - ProductToUpsellConnectionWhereArgs

Arguments for filtering the connection

uri - String The unique resource identifier path
visibleProducts - ProductToVisibleProductConnection Connection between the Product type and the visibleProduct type
first - Int

The number of items to return after the referenced "after" cursor

last - Int

The number of items to return before the referenced "before" cursor

after - String

Cursor used along with the "first" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

before - String

Cursor used along with the "last" argument to reference where in the dataset to get data

where - ProductToVisibleProductConnectionWhereArgs

Arguments for filtering the connection
