Schema Documentation
Arguments for filtering the UserToPostConnection connection
Input Field | Description |
author - Int | The user that's connected as the author of the object. Use the userId for the author object. |
authorIn - [ID] | Find objects connected to author(s) in the array of author's userIds |
authorName - String | Find objects connected to the author by the author's nicename |
authorNotIn - [ID] | Find objects NOT connected to author(s) in the array of author's userIds |
categoryId - Int | Category ID |
categoryIn - [ID] | Array of category IDs, used to display objects from one category OR another |
categoryName - String | Use Category Slug |
categoryNotIn - [ID] | Array of category IDs, used to display objects from one category OR another |
dateQuery - DateQueryInput | Filter the connection based on dates |
hasPassword - Boolean | True for objects with passwords; False for objects without passwords; null for all objects with or without passwords |
id - Int | Specific database ID of the object |
in - [ID] | Array of IDs for the objects to retrieve |
mimeType - MimeTypeEnum | Get objects with a specific mimeType property |
name - String | Slug / post_name of the object |
nameIn - [String] | Specify objects to retrieve. Use slugs |
notIn - [ID] | Specify IDs NOT to retrieve. If this is used in the same query as "in", it will be ignored |
orderby - [PostObjectsConnectionOrderbyInput] | What paramater to use to order the objects by. |
parent - ID | Use ID to return only children. Use 0 to return only top-level items |
parentIn - [ID] | Specify objects whose parent is in an array |
parentNotIn - [ID] | Specify posts whose parent is not in an array |
password - String | Show posts with a specific password. |
search - String | Show Posts based on a keyword search |
stati - [PostStatusEnum] | Retrieve posts where post status is in an array. |
status - PostStatusEnum | Show posts with a specific status. |
tag - String | Tag Slug |
tagId - String | Use Tag ID |
tagIn - [ID] | Array of tag IDs, used to display objects from one tag OR another |
tagNotIn - [ID] | Array of tag IDs, used to display objects from one tag OR another |
tagSlugAnd - [String] | Array of tag slugs, used to display objects from one tag AND another |
tagSlugIn - [String] | Array of tag slugs, used to include objects in ANY specified tags |
title - String | Title of the object |