Schema Documentation



Input for the createProduct mutation.

Input FieldDescription
allPaColor - ProductAllPaColorInput Set connections between the Product and allPaColor
allPaSize - ProductAllPaSizeInput Set connections between the Product and allPaSize
clientMutationId - String This is an ID that can be passed to a mutation by the client to track the progress of mutations and catch possible duplicate mutation submissions.
commentStatus - String The comment status for the object
content - String The content of the object
date - String The date of the object. Preferable to enter as year/month/day (e.g. 01/31/2017) as it will rearrange date as fit if it is not specified. Incomplete dates may have unintended results for example, "2017" as the input will use current date with timestamp 20:17
excerpt - String The excerpt of the object
menuOrder - Int A field used for ordering posts. This is typically used with nav menu items or for special ordering of hierarchical content types.
password - String The password used to protect the content of the object
productCategories - ProductProductCategoriesInput Set connections between the Product and productCategories
productTags - ProductProductTagsInput Set connections between the Product and productTags
productTypes - ProductProductTypesInput Set connections between the Product and productTypes
shippingClasses - ProductShippingClassesInput Set connections between the Product and shippingClasses
slug - String The slug of the object
status - PostStatusEnum The status of the object
title - String The title of the object
visibleProducts - ProductVisibleProductsInput Set connections between the Product and visibleProducts