Schema Documentation



Arguments for filtering the ProductToCommentConnection connection

Input FieldDescription
authorEmail - String Comment author email address.
authorIn - [ID] Array of author IDs to include comments for.
authorNotIn - [ID] Array of author IDs to exclude comments for.
authorUrl - String Comment author URL.
commentIn - [ID] Array of comment IDs to include.
commentNotIn - [ID] Array of IDs of users whose unapproved comments will be returned by the query regardless of status.
commentType - String Include comments of a given type.
commentTypeIn - [String] Include comments from a given array of comment types.
commentTypeNotIn - String Exclude comments from a given array of comment types.
contentAuthor - [ID] Content object author ID to limit results by.
contentAuthorIn - [ID] Array of author IDs to retrieve comments for.
contentAuthorNotIn - [ID] Array of author IDs not to retrieve comments for.
contentId - ID Limit results to those affiliated with a given content object ID.
contentIdIn - [ID] Array of content object IDs to include affiliated comments for.
contentIdNotIn - [ID] Array of content object IDs to exclude affiliated comments for.
contentName - String Content object name (i.e. slug ) to retrieve affiliated comments for.
contentParent - Int Content Object parent ID to retrieve affiliated comments for.
contentStatus - [PostStatusEnum] Array of content object statuses to retrieve affiliated comments for. Pass 'any' to match any value.
contentType - [ContentTypeEnum] Content object type or array of types to retrieve affiliated comments for. Pass 'any' to match any value.
includeUnapproved - [ID] Array of IDs or email addresses of users whose unapproved comments will be returned by the query regardless of $status. Default empty
karma - Int Karma score to retrieve matching comments for.
order - OrderEnum The cardinality of the order of the connection
orderby - CommentsConnectionOrderbyEnum Field to order the comments by.
parent - Int Parent ID of comment to retrieve children of.
parentIn - [ID] Array of parent IDs of comments to retrieve children for.
parentNotIn - [ID] Array of parent IDs of comments not to retrieve children for.
search - String Search term(s) to retrieve matching comments for.
status - String Comment status to limit results by.
userId - ID Include comments for a specific user ID.